How much money do you want to make in 2023? Would a $100k change your life? It’s time to change the game!
Chances are you decided to blog with the notion that you would jump on the bandwagon of successful bloggers and make a sustainable income.
Maybe you are a stay at mom or you want to simply make an additional income to pay off a debt such as student loans, car, credit card debt or maybe you want extra income for an epic vacation.
Figure out your WHY. It does not need to be complex or life-changing. You simply need to know what is in order to then establish a plan on HOW you can make money online. Remember that “online” is essentially a global marketplace. “online” gives you access to someone in China as well, London, Sudan, and even Atlanta GA.
This post is all about what it takes to make $100k. Trust me there are dozens of bloggers making over a 100k a month. We are simply trying to devise a plan to get to 100k a year.
Check out my list of bloggers that are doing the dang thang on a monthly basis.
Disclaimer, I’m accustomed to making 100k a year, as I’ve been a licensed Realtor and Broker for over 10 years, as well as working full-time for the Feds for over 25 years. However, I decided to leave my 9 to 5 job and work on real estate, my blog, podcast, and online ventures full-time. I have no intention of decreasing my income. As a matter of fact, I intend to increase my income through blogging drastically.

I’ve analyzed how I can diversify and maintain 7 streams of income. I’m adamant about having multiple streams of income and not relying solely on a 9-5, even though my previous 9-5 was in essence guaranteed. (there was the recent time in history that all federal employees were furloughed, I digress)
Here’s a snapshot of what this could look like for your Business/Blog
1. Passive income streams – 30%
2. Affiliate marketing – 20%
3. Online Classes, Digital Products, etc – 30% (I’ve made over $1,000 from my online classes & coaching as of Aug 2019!)
4. Coaching/consulting clients – 10%
5. Freelancing/contract work – 10%
In order to establish a solid action plan, we need to back-end our plan, Essentially for the techie people and non-techie people, we need to reverse-engineer the process. Once we identify the goal, we work backward in order to come up with a plan to achieve them.
Goal – MAKE 100K IN 2023
Let’s do the math. 100k is $8,333 per month, $1,923.07 a week, $273.97 a day. Don’t let any of these numbers frighten you. Rest assured, they are obtainable.
Using the Income Streams above, let’s dig a little deeper
Trust me, we will break these numbers down and provide a crystal clear picture of how WE can reach this goal.
1. Passive Income – about $2500 per month
2. Affiliate marketing – about $1666 per month
3. Online Classes, Digital Products etc – $2500
4. Coaching/consulting clients – about $833 per month
5. Freelancing/contract work – about $833 per month
We now need to analyze pricing strategies… and don’t undercut your pricing and sell yourself short. You are worth every penny…
• If you are charging coaching clients $100 per month. You’ll need to get about 8 clients per month individually or you may opt to do group coaching via mastermind group and charge $20 per month, but you now need 41 clients paying monthly to reach your goal.
• Let’s value your current online course at $600. You will need to enroll 4 new students monthly (You need to implement an automated sales funnel, trust me on this) From a basic conversion ratio, an average of 1-4% of your subscribers will convert into a sale. Simply put you need 800 new subscribers monthly or you personally need to reach out and touch 4 people that are ready to pull the trigger. You can achieve your goals.
• Simply put, break out the number and do the math. Will 10 clients get you what you need? Do you need to create different levels and packages that you offer? Maybe package A is $500, package B is $750 and package 3 is $1500. 3 clients per month…
Time is your most valuable asset. Do you, in fact, have time to accommodate your goals
Do you have enough time for your coaching clients? Can you obtain X amount of subscribers monthly – Yes you can, I run a FB group called Looking for Housing in GA… we are over 12k stong. We started with one member. Are you willing to do a few FB ads and Promote a few pins on Pinterest. If the answer is yes, then you are well on your way.
Yes, it’s doable. It may seem far-fetched, however, you may simply need to tweak your prices. You can work hard to make the numbers work, or you can tweak your income goals. Either way, reach for the stars
You will need to market and promote your online presence.
Visibility is the key, you have to establish an online presence. You can not be an effective blogger in this day and age and not have a Pinterest page
I’d highly suggest that you establish and secure your profile names for your online presence. ie., I am the BragDifferently on Pinterest as my blogsite is called Brag Differently. I am also the BragDifferently.co and I recently changed my twitter to @bragdifferently
If you are planning on doing webinars, a YouTUBe Channel, FB Live, blogging, podcasting, writing an online course, coaching, etc. then only you can make those things happen. At the end of the day, get organized and time block. Only you can set aside the time to do all the components that are involved, ie., promoting, placing ads, whatever is needed to land clients.
Don’t overcomplicate things. It’s easy to establish and plan and see how YOU can make it all come together. When you break your goals down into smaller attainable sections, it makes it easier to see how you can achieve the numbers that you desire. $100k may not seem achievable, but I promise that it is.
When we break down all the components into small pieces and see what needs to be accomplished to make the numbers, it is no longer out of reach. Start with the end to identify the beginning and the process. Remember, there are bloggers pulling in 100K MONTHLY. At some point and time, they started just like us…Posting their very first blog post, creating their very first freebie, course, etc. No one started with a fully created process in a box (though that may be a great idea)
It’s April and I’m still planning out things for 2019. They are in full steam and chugging along nicely. I have exciting things planned for 2019. Between Real Estate, blogging, podcast, youtube, Amazon Drop Shipping (I’ll be posting an article on Amazon) my goals are achievable and attainable.
I can’t give all the goodies away, but I will be posting additional items in the Secret Garden.
I’d love to hear from you and see if there is any way I can assist you in achieving your goals. If you are ready to get started, then go ahead and create your bluehost acct and secure your domain name
Please do me and your friends a favor by clicking on the FB icon at the top of the page and share this post to your FB page. You can also save it as a pin on Pinterest. Sharing is caring!