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Effective Habits To Have A Successful Future
Here are a few effective habits that are life-changing. Changing a few simple habits will enable you to thrive and become more effective in 2022. Out with the old and in with the new. Put these seven habits into use and reap the rewards of the life you deserve. Most of us have at some point and time read FranklinCovey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This is the Goddess version of 7 Effective Habits.

1. Self-Care
Self-Care is so critical that I devoted an entire article on 21Self-My Self-Care Ideas for Creating A Daily Self-Care Routine I started with a complete refresh of my bedroom. We have all walked into a model home in a swanky new subdivision and or swooned over the pictures on houzz.com and thought, I’d love to have a bedroom that looks like this. Guess what? You can. Nothing beats a fresh coat of paint, new bedding to include new sheets & pillows to simply make you feel better. Get into the habit of making your bed every single day!
Find what makes you feel better. You have to take time out for yourself and only you. Figure out what makes you happy, what automatically lightens your mood? When I walk in the door after turning off the alarm, I connect with Alexa and ask her to play some soothing jazz Something about jazz just speaks to my soul.
Consider establishing a morning routine. I am going into my second year of having a solid morning routine, which involves me getting up at 5 am so that I can get on the treadmill for 30 min. I put on my Oculus Quest goggles and I’m walking through a park in Paris. You owe it to yourself. My 30 min walk/run is followed up with 15 min of yoga and meditation, then a shower while listening to a bomb-ass podcast.
Additionally, I believe that you are the master of your ship, hence you are the master of your emotions. If you find yourself feeling constantly stressed, you need to get to the root of your stress. In my case, I hated my job, hence I left and I haven’t missed a beat.
2. Organize & Declutter
I know firsthand how hard it is to focus on things that are important when your mind is cluttered and when your space is cluttered. Take the remaining few weeks of the year and focus on getting organized and decluttering your home. Create a declutter your home checklist. Jan 1, 2022, is a brand new year and the opportunity to establish new goals, actions, and viable plans.
Personally, I moved all of my “clutter” into my great room, hence I was able to declutter and organize the remainder of my home without feeling as overwhelmed. I still have a pretty big task ahead of me, however, the fact that every room (except the great room) has no clutter enables me to have better clarity. I would love to get to a minimalistic lifestyle, but I’ll focus more on that in 2022 and in another blog.
It’s hard to focus on the business at hand when you have this nagging ongoing feeling that you need to organize your closet or organize the pantry. I’d rather feel like I have a blank slate to work from. Implementing simple effective habits (practicing becomes habitual) (habitual becomes routine).
Here are a few items that definitely helped me along the way
- Make a to-do list
- Make a time management list (once you make your to-do-list you need to break it out into achievable time blocks, ie., 5 min to organize the junk drawer… I don’t advocate for doing things beyond 30 min at a time)
- Put all your clutter in one area if possible or feasible.
- Remember your home is your castle and as such, you should treat it like it’s your kingdom.

3. Reinvent Yourself
Reinventing yourself does not happen overnight, however, you can be whomever you desire to be. You have an obligation to yourself to be the very best that you can in fact be. Be authentic in whom you are. Remember, you attract what you put out. If you have a broke or broken mentality ( The whoa is me syndrome, the blah, blah, what am I going to do syndrome) then chances are you will attract those types of people. Look around you, if all your friends are in bad situations and struggling, then chances are, you are as well. Elevate yourself. YOU will always attract people that are similar to you. Ask yourself, who is it that you want to be? Then begin to surround yourself with those people.
Trust and believe there are FB groups that will enable you to get out of your comfort zone and begin to engage with folks that have the characteristics that you desire.
4. Take Action
This is huge for me as the Melanin Goddess Effect is all about taking and engaging in taking Action. Listen up, as you are reading this, you are taking action to better yourself.
Stop procrastinating and putting off simple stuff that you can in fact do today. You have to make a decision to change your life for the better. In-action is a dream killer. If you want to have a savings account, then you can, in fact, put $10 in an envelope. BOOM! that girlfriend is an action.
Stop overthinking stuff and just take action. The bottom line is that if you want something, you must begin to take the steps that will get you there. Head down the path of success by simply placing one foot in front of the other.
We often wait for the perfect time, the right people, the right man. There are a million excuses as to why you won’t take action. Redirect your energy on the reasons you should take action. You owe it to yourself to create the absolute best life that you can. Start ensuring that the decisions that you make on a daily basis align with those intentions. Also, keep in mind that your actions need to be INTENTIONAL.
Every second of every day is an opportunity to make solid decisions that align with the best version of who you can be. The question I’m asking my fellow Goddesses is how bad do you ultimately want it. Do you want a mediocre life and all the excuses that come with it, or do you desire to have the grandest life that you can have?
You are the master of your ship and the commander in chief. Change your vision and your attitude and I promise you will change your life.
Take action to become financially stable, Click here for more articles on our Secure the Bag – Ellevest Investment Series – take 5 minutes to set up your Ellevest Account
5. Inner-Peace
I do not allow anyone to impede or disrupt my inner peace. We can not control what others do, but we can control how we respond. Control that which you have control over and let the other ish go. Folks that know me personally know that one of my motos is simple…As long as my sons are ok, and my house is not on fire, then all is well in the universe.
Stop stressing over the future as it has not arrived yet. We as women spend so much time stressing over the future, that we simply miss out on everything that is wonderful in the here and now.
6. Effective Learning
I am who I am today because I am an avid reader and learner of all things. We have the ability to thrive when we take advantage of something as simple as learning. That cell phone that you take everywhere with you is also a gateway to learning. Listen to podcasts while driving vs. music. I listen to a new podcast every day while I shower. I listen in my car and when doing housework. Read up on your favorite subject while also immersing yourself in non-familiar topics.
Take advantage of Audible and learn while listening.
Take a walk on the wild side and get out of your comfort zone. If there is a topic that you are unfamiliar with but would like to learn, then read up on it. You have google at your fingertips.
I’ve taken several courses via Udemy as well as the Blinkist App. Stop making excuses for why you don’t know something. Do me a favor and listen to the 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris. I think you are about to embark on a change your mindset journey
7. Gratitude & Patience
You can implement this one immediately. Simply appreciate life and all that it offers. You only get one, so let us make it the best one possible. Consider adding this to your daily morning routine. Identify 5 things that you are grateful for on a daily basis. Example: You woke up to a house that has heat & food, you have money in your bank account and you have a car that runs well, and your lights are on. These may seem to be normal everyday things, but as an admin for a housing group on FB with over 13,000+ members, I can assure you that many things we take for granted, others wish they had. Mindset is everything.
Take time out to acknowledge those people within your Tribe aka Kabila. Let them know that you are thinking of them. I’m the neighbor and friend that mails out cute tea bags. Everyone loves tea.
Patience is a virtue, we have all heard this phrase. In this world of instant gratification, patience goes a long way. Here are a few excellent articles that I came across that deal with patience. I think you will enjoy them.
- Patience & Tips on How to Develop It.
- 4 Tips To Help You Be More Patient
- Patience, Don’t Let Frustration Get The Better Of You
- 5 Tricks to Becoming a More Patient Person
Let’s take advantage of the remaining days that are left in 2022 and get a jumpstart in 2023!
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