Affiliate Disclosures, What You Need to Know
I need to share some information with you.
The FTC requires that I disclose that I may earn a commission when you click on a link and make a purchase.

In case you didn’t know, affiliate links are one-way websites and bloggers generate income. There is no cost for you to use them. They are embedded all over the site from Bluehost, Amazon, and Samplize just to name a few. Because I’m an excellent amazon associate, they actually pay me a commission from qualifying purchases. I share these services, products, and vendors with you in an effort to improve your current situation. I believe they bring value and may enhance your life in some form or fashion. With full disclosure, Brag Differently & Co is a for-profit business, hence I do earn income from this website. It would be best if you assumed that any and all links linking you to products or services are affiliate links and that I may receive a commission from your purchase. This is how most blogs and websites work. All efforts are made to ensure that affiliate links are disclosed in accordance with the FTC
Brag Differently & Co is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to enable folks like me to earn fees from advertising links and linking back to Amazon. Simply put, if you click on a link and ultimately purchase something, I will earn a small fee.

Of course, I use my own ideas as well as pick the brains of my friends, associates, fellow bloggers, websites, and a million other people. If you think my blog post looks like your blog post, chances are it may, but it’s not yours. The same info that you pulled up on Google is the same info that I have access to. As fellow bloggers, we have many of the same affiliates and such. Chances are we are at some point and time going to rehash ideas, and content, just know it ain’t yours, nor do you have exclusive use of the world wide web. My blog is based on my viewpoint of the world as well as what the experts may say as it pertains to the topics I cover.
My opinions are my opinions and not paid opinions. Nonetheless, you may come across an article that is a sponsored post. Those articles are identified as such.